**Select "I want to be a Summer Member" when prompted**
You will receive an email (within 48 hours) when you can proceed to the next step.
**Select "I am a Non-Member who needs a Log In" when prompted**
You will receive an email (within 48 hours) when you can proceed to the next step.
Click on "Programs".
Click on "Categories".
Click on "Summer Camp".
You may get an error that asks you to create a payment profile. Click on "HERE" in the error message and create a payment profile to continue registration.
Click on any of the blue "Register" buttons. You may also click "Register for Full Event" if you are registering for the whole week.
Click on "Sign Waiver(s) ". If there is no "Sign Waiver(s)", you have already completed them.
Click on "CLICK TO SIGN".
Select the campers you are registering.
Select the dates attending. If the whole week, click "Register for Full Program".
Click on "Check to agree to above disclosure".
Click on "Finalize Registration".
Go back to Step #5 and register for any other weeks or before/after care before continuing to step below.
You must submit this form to complete registration: Select "Yes" when prompted "Did you register through Court Reserve?".
We can't wait to see you this summer!